It should now be universally accepted that extending the DOM directly (via Element.prototype, Node.prototype etc.) is a bad idea. To combat the inherent problems with doing this, quite a few libraries (jQuery, BBC Glow, etc.) employ the “wrapper” technique which involves taking a bunch of DOM elements and stuffing them into an array-like object that inherits from a safely-extendible prototype.

If you want to have a go at creating your own jQuery-like DOM library, here’s something to get you started:

window.myWrapper = (function(){
    // "cache" useful methods, so they don't
    // have to be resolved every time they're used
    var push = Array.prototype.push,
        slice = Array.prototype.slice,
        toString = Object.prototype.toString,
        isArray = function(o) {
   === '[object Array]';
        toArray = (function(){
            try {
                // Return a basic slice() if the environment
                // is okay with converting NodeLists to
                // arrays using slice()
                return function(arrayLike) {
            } catch(e) {}
            // Otherwise return the slower approach
            return function(arrayLike) {
                var ret = [], i = -1, len = arrayLike.length;
                while (++i < len) {
                    ret[i] = arrayLike[i];
                return ret;
    function NodeList(elems) {
        this.length = 0;
            elems.nodeType ?
                [elems] // Single node
                : isArray(elems) ?
                    elems // Real array
                    : toArray(elems) // NodeList/Array-like-object
    function myWrapper(elems) {
        // Instantiate and return new NodeList
        return new NodeList(elems);
    myWrapper.NodeList = NodeList;
    NodeList.prototype = {
        each: function(fn) {
            for (var i = -1, l = this.length; ++i < l;) {
      [i], this[i], i, l, this);
            return this;
    return myWrapper;

There’s no selector engine, but it’s easy enough to slot one in:

function myWrapper(elems) {
    // E.g. using Sizzle as the selector engine
    return new NodeList( typeof elems === 'string' ? Sizzle(elems) : elems );

Example of usage:

// Etc.

Extending NodeList:

myWrapper.NodeList.prototype.applyCSS = (function(){
    var hasOwn = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
    return function(props) {
        for (var i = -1, l = this.length; ++i < l;) {
            for (var p in props) {
                if (, p)) {
                    this[i].style[p] = props[p];
        return this;
// Usage:
    background: 'red',
    color: 'yellow'

Thanks for reading! Please share your thoughts with me on Twitter. Have a great day!